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Meet AJ and Freda-Rae

Hello There!

So here we are, AJ and I, a bit younger.   I created Single and Dating IRL because online dating is getting harder, more expensive and less fulfilling.  I felt that combining the technology of dating apps with plain old connecting and socializing would cut down the time (and money) spent on pursuing love.


Not to mention that

  • People are not always at their best at initially.  

  • Sometimes it take several meeting to actually see a person.

  • With this platform, its not so easy to be fake or disingenuous (catfishing, ghosting, etc) and slide on to the next person without it being noticed.

  • The team that runs Single and Dating IRL is involved with the process and the people.

  • When we looked around, we saw people who want to find someone special but have gotten tired of the whole app experience.
    We want to show you another way.  


For AJ and I, one phone call and several club "dates" gave us (multiple interactions to vet each other).  We eventually decided to have a solo date.  The date led to a relation which later led to marriage.

I have brought specialist to assist you with any snags in your love life.


Freda-Rae McCray, MEd



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